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Balance with fiat view constantly changes
Balance with fiat view constantly changes
Tenace Miller avatar
Written by Tenace Miller
Updated over a week ago

So you're experiencing an issue with your balance view, and you believe that it's not being updated accurately?

Here are a few key points to consider:

If you switch to USD view or any other fiat currency, it's important to note that it provides only an approximate representation of your crypto amount at that specific moment.

Due to the constantly changing prices of cryptocurrencies, your balance in fiat will also fluctuate. The most reliable way to calculate your funds is always in crypto, as that amount will consistently remain true and correct.

Since we are a crypto casino, all your bets and transactions are settled in crypto amounts. However, the visual representation in fiat may slightly differ due to price fluctuations.

Here are a few examples:

If you deposited $100 worth of ETH and received $110 in ETH, the crypto amount will remain the same, but the price has changed.

However, the amount in crypto will still be accurate, ensuring that your VIP progress is calculated correctly, even though the stats reflect the current USD value.

Your balance may vary even if you don't play, especially if you set the view to "USD." It will adjust proportionately to price changes. However, the crypto amount will always remain consistent.

For instance, you may have $100 worth of crypto in your balance, but in a third-party game, it shows as $95. The difference is due to the exchange market used by us and the game provider. Nonetheless, your crypto amount will still be accurate and reflect the correct value.

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